Write For Us

Write for Us

Are you passionate about animals and have a knack for writing? Do you want to share your love for furry, feathered, or scaly friends with a broader audience? If so, you’re in the right place! At animalcraves.com, we welcome guest posts from animal enthusiasts, experts, and anyone with a story to tell about the animal kingdom.

Why Write for AnimalCraves.com?

1. Share Your Passion

AnimalCraves.com is a haven for animal lovers. By writing for us, you get to share your passion with like-minded individuals who appreciate and celebrate the beauty of animals.

2. Showcase Your Expertise

Whether you’re a veterinarian, a pet owner, or someone who works with animals, your knowledge is valuable. Writing for us allows you to showcase your expertise and help others learn more about animal care, behavior, and welfare.

3. Build Your Portfolio

If you’re an aspiring writer or blogger, contributing to AnimalCraves.com can help you build your portfolio. You’ll gain exposure and experience, which can be a stepping stone to more writing opportunities.

4. Join a Community

When you write for us, you become part of a community that cares deeply about animals. It’s a great way to connect with others who share your interests and values.

What We’re Looking For

1. Unique Perspectives

We love fresh, unique perspectives on animal-related topics. Whether it’s a personal story, a how-to guide, or an opinion piece, we want to hear your voice.

2. Informative Content

Our readers value informative content that helps them better understand and care for animals. Articles should be well-researched and provide value to our audience.

3. Engaging Writing

We aim to publish articles that are not only informative but also engaging. Use a conversational tone, personal pronouns, and keep it simple. We want our readers to enjoy what they read!

Guest Post Guidelines

1. Original Content

All submissions must be original and not published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.

2. Word Count

Articles should be between 800 and 1500 words. This ensures that the content is comprehensive yet concise.

3. Structure

Use headings and subheadings to break up your content. This makes it easier to read and helps with SEO. Ensure your article includes an introduction, body, and conclusion.

4. Tone and Style

Write in a conversational style. Use personal pronouns, keep it simple, and engage the reader. Avoid jargon unless it’s necessary, and always explain any technical terms.

5. Images

If you include images, ensure they are high-quality and relevant to the content. You must have the rights to use any images you submit.

6. Bio and Links

Include a short bio (2-3 sentences) at the end of your article. You may include one link to your website or social media profile.

How to Submit

1. Pitch Your Idea

Before you start writing, pitch your idea to us. Send an email to (animalcraves8 [@] gmail.com) with a brief description of your proposed article.

2. Write Your Article

Once your pitch is approved, write your article following the guidelines above. Proofread your work to ensure it is free of errors.

3. Submit Your Article

Submit your article as a Word document to ([email protected]) . Include your bio and any images in the email.

4. Review Process

Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you within two weeks. We may request revisions before publishing.

Topics We Love

1. Pet Care Tips

Share your best tips for taking care of pets, from nutrition to grooming to exercise.

2. Animal Behavior

Explore the fascinating world of animal behavior and share insights on why animals act the way they do.

3. Personal Stories

Tell us about your experiences with animals. Whether it’s a heartwarming rescue story or a funny pet anecdote, we want to hear it.

4. Wildlife Conservation

Highlight the importance of wildlife conservation and what people can do to help protect endangered species.

5. Veterinary Advice

If you’re a veterinarian, share your professional advice on common health issues and preventive care for pets.

6. Fun Facts

Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a “flamboyance”? Share fun and interesting facts about different animals.


Writing for AnimalCraves.com is a fantastic way to share your love for animals, showcase your expertise, and join a community of like-minded individuals. Follow our guidelines, pitch your idea, and get started on your writing journey with us. We can’t wait to read your stories!


1. Can I submit more than one article?

Absolutely! We welcome multiple submissions from our contributors.

2. Do you pay for guest posts?

Currently, we do not offer monetary compensation for guest posts, but you will gain exposure and build your writing portfolio.

3. Can I include links in my article?

Yes, you may include one link to your website or social media profile in your bio.

4. What topics are off-limits?

We do not accept articles that promote animal cruelty, illegal activities, or misinformation about animal care.

5. How long does it take to get published?

Our review process typically takes two weeks. If revisions are needed, it may take a bit longer.

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