What should I do if my French Bulldog won’t stop licking?


Through their paws, dogs do so many things, and these include pawing their way into the world together with their cute little noses. Given their paws which are almost constantly touching all kind of ground types and potentially harmful elements, they need to be taken care of proactively and regularly.
You have probably wondered: Your question about “What’s the reason for my Frenchie licking their paws? ” is answered.
French bulldog tongue licking is among the most natured and recurrent behavior in these dogs, sometimes other breeds also readily do it. To keep the Frenchie from licking its paws, first of all, we should find out the root reasons of this behavior.

What could be the cause for my French bulldog paw-licking behavior?

In the course of providing the explanation to the symptom of your pet’s paw licking, you should identify all the potential reasons that may cause it. When your French bulldog licks her paws too much, there could be any of several potential explanations as to why she is doing this.

  • Allergies: It is worth noting that the French bulldog breed is prone to allergies, just like all other dogs. Commonly, this response is connected with specific substances, such as pollen or some sort of foodstuff. It could may seem like the reason of your dog why licking its paws so much.
  • Irritated skin: There are multiple factors causing the redness and burning and the stinging sensations, namely the overheated surfaces such as sand and asphalt, rocky and sharp surface and the ice and frozen ground.
  • Infection: Likewise, once a French Bulldog suck their paws which will hurt because of licking, they may want soothe the itchy area.
  • Boredom: A “worst of the boredom” scenario may force dogs to start sucking their paws.
  • Insect bites: This result in various reaction such as itching, and swellings or pain caused by the sting. Therefore, might use its tongue to reduce the response.
  • Stress or separation anxiety: Drenching with recurring stress can be an option of excessive licking the paw for your French bulldog.
  • Pain or discomfort: Licking is a way a French bulldog trying to get rid of the pain or pain in the paws.
  • Nutritional deficiency: A dog will resort to licking his paws excessively if he lacks certain nutrients at some point. Stunted growth can be due to the lack of zinc or fatty acids.

Few factors can prompt french bulldog paw licking and that some of them are more alarming than others so observance is vital so a quick response can be made. The wisest choice is to talk to your veterinarian first to ensure that you give the deserved care for these precious paws.

Is it normal for French bulldogs to lick their paws?

As seeing your dog licking its paws, you will wonder if it is what a dog does when it is normal or alarming.

It is a standard behavior training for dogs, irrespective of the dog breed, including French Bulldogs, who have a habit of licking their paws as a usual grooming process that helps them maintain their paw cleanliness and healthiness. On the other side, if the dog starts to lick its paws excessively it’s time to act and pay attention. This is usually a symptom that indicates some serious issue, which needs attention, and that prevention may be necessary. Attokas potoro, joka tai kaikin itse Komatsu aromas, on kin vista, siksi oikeasti tulle loettua henkiloa.

If you have a dog and it experiences problem with its paws, it’s recommended to consult a veterinarian. Then, if he/she will say that it’s ok with the dog’s paws, you may calmly walk your dog. On that note there is really no ground slam for you to be concerned about since your Frenchie will keep on cleaning its paws. They are reluctant to indulge in the bath and it smells like they have no idea cleaning is one of the duties that comes with bathing time.

How do I get my French bulldog to stop licking its paws?

Besides there are several options available to avoid the dog to be licking his paw at all. In most cases of a French Bulldog licking its paws homemade remedies can work, but in the more serious issues it is the domain of a veterinarian to help your dog out.

Cleaning: They should also be doing dog’s paws cleaning at least once a day. It is namely this that eliminates all irritants or allergens that are responsible for the inflammation. To use the example again as for human beings, regular hygiene avoids various serious health problems in the future. Actually, there are number of products produced which aim at cleaning the paws of the beautiful dogs like the Cleaning cup in the market.

Moisturizing: Water helps skin to stay soft and smooth , if the body is not hydrated the skin may loose its elasticity . Dryness can be at the root of build-up of unnecessary dirt on a Frenchie’s paws, which will eventually cause itchiness. Keeping the skin on your pup’s paws always hydrated can be helpful in the prevention of such issue. A dog paw balm or petroleum jelly can assist in keeping your dog’s paw properly hydrated and not get cracked.

Homemade paw soak. The soaks of such type comprise of substances such as Epsom salt and baking soda that are known to be able to offer relief to itchy paws. Savor the dishes you have prepared by reading on.

Have to determine it if something has gone in French bulldog’s paws. When outdoor, they pick up little things like small rocks, pieces of wood, strong grass, or sand in their paws if they don’t wear their shoes. Dogs may like at or eat at their paws likely supposed for the purpose of eliminating something that is just applied to their paws, which can be followed by an itchiness or deformity.

Consult your veterinarian. If the case of an itchy dog paw, most likely, it’s time to act and consult your veterinarian who may recommend some kind of treatment or the usage of medications.

How can I soothe my dog’s itchy paws?

Here are various things that you can do to have your dog’s paws healing instead of them feeling hurt, wrinkled and itchy. Either you go for the DIY fix or purchase a paw balm for the dog which you place on your pooch’s paws. When purchasing a moisturizer, choose a one with natural ingredients which ensure that there are no unwanted side effects.

Wanting to know what you can make at homer to keep the feet of your pet in good condition? Put here one recipe for homemade paws care.

Let the warm water be poured in see salt and chamomile tea in it for some time. Let it soak in for 10 minutes and massage your dog’s French feet after it. Soak for at least 5-10 minutes and keep a clean towel too in order to pat it nice and dry post-soaking.

Take those wet paws and dry them. Once done, reach for the aloe plant and then rub the substance on his paws. Similarly, if you don’t have an aloe plant handy, you can always buy aloe leaves or 100% natural aloe in the shop nearby.


French bulldog licking their paws is atypical for a breed and the reasons may be diverse, so most of them could be solved. Some are regarding health, some are related to behavior, and others might be associated with monotony or nervousness. However, you should not despair as you can ensure that your dog licks his paws less with the identification of the root cause by putting the right remedy.

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