Are French Bulldogs Good with Kids? Living & Frankness


The French Bulldogs are handsome dogs that make excellent childhood companions. The French Bulldogs are good with kids and exactly come to mind when we think about the most popular dog pets, because of their social nature together with a top-class loving attitude. Frenchies have an adventurous and lively personality which suits in perfectly with the childlike endless energy which is always ready to join all family activities and games.

Yet, as with any other pet, it is equally necessary for children not to be left alone with the bichon frise and especially when young children are around. The Frenchies members may get very excited about playtime and they could hurt kids by scratching or bumping on them so the both word of children and animals must be the legitimate interaction.

Training and proper contact or socialization with French Bulldogs are required to prevent dog-child confrontation. Frenchies socialize early, and training helps tackle the issue in the right way proactively so as to minimize any unfavorable events. However, ensure that you expose the kids on how to approach a dog as it is important and how they can interact with them in a safe way.

Generally speaking, French bulldogs can be the right pet choice for kids, but the suitability of them is decided by their personalities and safety is a parent’s task to maintain.

Why are French Bulldogs Good with Kids, Toddlers, and Babies as well?

The French Bulldog is said to have one of the friendliest and most loving character types and his behavior is especially suitable for a child of all ages ranging from a toddler to the infant. Children should be happy and interesting playmates that perfectly fit into kids’ adventurous world where you can play a lot of games together. Frenchies are generally passive and metal cool dogs that find it tolerable to be with children and their sounds to some extent. In this section, we raised the top 6 reasons for us to feel that, Are French Bulldogs Good with kids!

1. French Bulldogs are Amazing Companions for People in all Ages

French Bulldogs are one of the best companion dogs in the canine world, which is rooted in the breed’s history: they were bred to hang out with solitary racemakers who could enjoy all the gigantic characteristics of a loyal lap dog. Thus, Frenchies stand out as good-hearted and affectionate as well as become extremely friendly and social beings when they are with humans! They have a deep connection with the children who have always fascinated them since they can play with them all the time, best members ever!

While being so sweet and caring Frenchies also exhibit a tremendous understanding and nonchalance with regards to children even in case they act meaningless and rowdy. We know that sometimes it is hard even for the parents to talk about this sensitive subject in a way that is appropriate for children. Of course, you’ll consider this notion true because of the French Bulldog’s uniquely sturdy character and amiable features, which make them an ideal company for the kids.

2. French Bulldogs are Good for Children’s Mental Health 

These furry little fellas are very smart and possess a very high degree of emotional and social intelligence with which they often interact with humans. The fact that they know their human companion’s emotional status behind lines causes them to respond accordingly with different behaviors of dog. In short, the emotional state of the human impacts the way animals interact with them, either they will be playful and joyful or just sleepy and loving if the human is sad or tired.

Kids that frequently get stuck in such a situation when they can hardly present their thoughts using words can receive a great help if they decide to keep such a friend. His French bulldog will always be there to laugh with your baby and the feeling of unconditional love can highly decrease stress and anxiety at The age of innocence. Touching and playing with a dog is by itself a cause for the immersion of dopamine and serotonin into the brain of a child. This brings joy and balance to their lives. If you give your kids a Frenchie, I guarantee that you will receive the best gift that money can buy!. 

3. French Bulldogs have the Perfect Size for Small Children’s

Many people feel nervous about the fact that one day they might have a dog which will look like a small building around their young children. Of course, how gentle and how kind they may be, they might easily knock down an obstacle the size of a child when playfully rolling the ball. To add to this, the small dog breeds are most likely unable to withstand the rough handling that kids who may not handle them as carefully may sometimes give them.

Alongside the likes of small dogs, Frenchies, despite their ideal size, are actually the perfect match for kids. Concerning adult French Bulldog, its median size is between 10 to 13 inches and they tend to weigh 24 to 28 pounds. In addition, their robust and sturdy structure, they can survive for a long time. Being tender-hearted towards them is a must like you would for any animal you are keeping.

4. Why French Bulldogs don’t Bark a Lot

Who knew that having a Frenchie dog wasn’t so expected? Similar to French Bulldogs, those with the smallest breeds hardly ever barking excessively and actually become one of the quietest dog dogs. Check our blog post also regarding this problem. Of course that trait will easily make Frenchies more amiable and less frightening for kids, especially those who are frightened from the very beginning at the sight of dogs that are large, huge or large and loud dogs most especially if they have had some unpleasant encounters with such dogs in the past.

A dog who is not noisy becomes rather useful in a house of a family having a small child that was just born. If you have just fetched a newborn, the very last thing you will call for is waking them by your dog having chased halfway through it.

5. French Bulldogs are Good Playmates for Kids

Since the Frenchies are small, they don’t just require little exercise but they’re glad to play games anytime, if you want or otherwise! Unlike the time they spend playing with themselves, they now would rather make friends with their owners as well. However, most adults have so little spare time every day for this purpose. Hence, Frenchies and kids are the ideal pair!

Not only will your dog running outdoors with your kid make him tired, but also she will be sure that your child will have physical exercise and entertainment to the fullest. They will be always bustling with each other, freeing your time and making one feel as a parent too. The best way is to play with your French Bulldog as your puppy will be like your child’s furry brother or sister for life. If you wish to know how to play with our frenchies charity and get them as a companion for your kid, read our pieces.

6. Kids with a French Bulldog learn responsibility

Raising a Frenchie could be very instructive for young people as one can learn how to do things from a very early age, including taking care of oneself and of others. Emotional bonding too that will come with taking care of the dog will also pass on the principle of patience and solidarity to your young one, which issues he or she must face in the future. It turns out that doing the simplest things might make your child a stronger person such as giving him/her food, taking them outside to potty break and even help him/her in the baths!

How to introduce your French Bulldog to kids

Although the Frenchies are likely to embrace the kids almost immediately, still your dog could get frightened in the beginning. That is where the problem generally lies for a pet owner who doesn’t have children at home, and Frenchie just meets kids at the park or when you have guests at home. There are a gamut of distinctions between the child and adult behavior, as children are often noisy and this may frighten the puppy. If your Frenchie is perceived as being confused around kids, it may well lead them to aggressive behavior, that’s why you need to deal with such a problem as soon as possible.

The fear can be overcome by turning to the child to assist your Frenchie. Squatting next to the floor in your home, your puppy area, put the treat in your hand. Then stretch out your hand without looking at your puppy right now. If your Frenchie eats the treat that you put in your hand, you can always put the other one and repeat the action until your pup learns that it is followed by another similar result. Gradually, try to talk softly and gently touch and when your pup is nearby, pet it very tenderly.

If your French bulldog is calm and socializes with people, compliment them a lot. To begin with, you realize that your dog connects kids with happy vibes. This is a procedure that may take quite some time, so you have to be very patient, and repeat training at least once a week. It won’t be long before your little Froggy understands that there is no need to run away from kids or defend itself against them quite to the contrary! 

How to introduce your French Bulldog to a baby

First of all, you need to get your Frenchie used to the baby’s smell, preferably even before your newborn arrives home. The best way to do this is to give your puppy one of the baby’s clothes or blankets and put it near their place. Then you need to praise them a lot if they sniff it and act normal or friendly, to make sure they associate the smell with something positive! 

Once your baby is home, don’t keep them away from your puppy but let them smell your child. If your pup stays calm and curious, praise them a lot and give them treats! Although it rarely happens, if you see any sign of irritation like growling or showing teeth, step in immediately! Grab your dog and tell them off right away so that they understand that they did something really bad. 

You can show them the baby later again while asleep and if they repeat the bad behavior, it’s time for some more serious punishment after telling them off. You should ignore your Frenchie for some time, as the feeling of being excluded from their pack is the biggest punishment for them! On the other hand, make sure to use plenty of positive reinforcement if they act friendly. This way your Frenchie will soon learn to accept your baby.

How to make sure your French Bulldog and your kids are safe to live together?

The same truth is valid for the most decomposed breeds of Scratchers – family security is crucial for a comfortable life. This is mainly associated with French Bulldogs when children are around them being their small size and benign, easy genteel behavior can make them more prone to accidental injuries. Nevertheless, with a little foreseeing and a bit of training, your Frenchie, whether it’s a boy or a girl, can blend in your family as if it was the easiest thing to achieve.

In this part, we will cover the most common ways to ensure your puppy and the children are thoroughly aware of each other’s limits, rich social and entertainment lives.

Are there any negatives of kids and French Bulldogs living together?

French Bulldogs are in many cases little angels for the children, but all breeds are individual and you should be ready for this. Of course, although there are many positive aspects to having a Frenchie as a friend for a child, it is also necessary to understand that there could be some disadvantages or downsides that would surface over time. This segment will focus on a few things that could be hard when raising kids and Frenchies together, as well as some advice for how to prevent these kinds of problems from happening and make sure everyone is comfortable and happy. 

1. Risk of Injury of French Bulldogs

Just as with any other breed of dogs including French Bulldogs, dogs being cheerful may happen so that the dog can scratch or bump accidentally a child during funtimes. This can actually result in a child being hurt.

2. Possibility of Aggression in French Bulldogs

Although Frenchies often are not usually aggressive, the dogs can become aggressive if they are boldly provoked or are feeling intimidated. Nevertheless, this may end up having severe results.

3. Allergies in French Bulldog

A certain allergic reaction to dogs may evoke in some kids including French Bulldogs, which hits their respiratory systems and causes issues wheezing.

4. Responsibilities of Pets ownership

It’s a consideration that the family should know that the role of the pet involves a sizable amount of time, effort, and resources needed. The whole family should be willing to give in to this commitment, which is very important.

5. Changes in family dynamics of French Bulldog 

Petting animals in particular cases would be the pet that would require a lot of attention and proper care. It will change some dynamics around the house and even the routines and the schedules will be different

Consultancy is the best position to pay attention to the above and how to face these negative effects of owning a French Bulldog with children. Sadly though, if proper training, socialization and supervision are provided the Frenchie as a member of the family can have more benefits than some negative issues.


The article is an experience-oriented publication that focuses on the breeding of French Bulldogs that are good with kids at the ANIMAL CRAVES HUT. This Hut has been operational for the last 2 years. Moreover all pictures in the post belong to them and their customers that have a pallet of puppies from their breed. Observe the available newborn French Bulldog or get into contact with us via our comment section below the article.

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